I just got the call that I will be doing a 3 day embryo transfer, tomorrow at lunch. I’m pretty bummed, as that means my embryos aren’t doing super well, but maybe my uterus will take them all the way. I asked how many embryos we still have today, and the nurse said she didn’t…
Embryo Update, Day 1
I took the day after egg retrieval off, too, because I thought I might cry when they called with the fertilization report (happy tears or sad tears). I had to wait until 2:10 p.m. for the news. That’s hours of checking my phone to make sure I didn’t miss their call, even thought I had…
Egg Retrieval
The worst part about the egg retrieval was getting the IV put in. My veins are not easy to find, and the nurse was new, so she stroked my arm and hand for quite a while before she found a vein she liked. She did get the needle in on the first try. This process…
Ultrasound, Day 10 of Stims
Follicles are even bigger. I think I have one over 20 mm. I don’t know if any of the ones the doctor was waiting on to get bigger with an extra day of stims grew. We are scheduled for the Ovidrel trigger shot at 7:45 p.m. tonight. The nurse said we have a five minute…
Ultrasound, Day 9 of Stims
My uterus lining is still looking exactly how they want it to look. I have 3 follicles at over 18 mm this morning. The doctor says that the textbook instructions say to give the trigger shot when 3 follicles reach that size, but he really wants more eggs (than 3), so they tested my progesterone…
I’m getting antsy, even though my egg retrieval is (probably) still 5 days away. I’m hoping tomorrow’s ultrasound shows continued progress. (I’m doing a lot of hoping. Every day.) So, I thought I’d mention medication, because that makes me feel like I get to do something today. I haven’t had any negative side effects from…
Ultrasound, Day 7 of Stims
Today’s follicle count is the same as last time. I have one follicle at 14 mm and a few 11+ mm. The two in my left ovary are about 9 mm. I asked the doctor if that meant retrieving 4-5 eggs, and he said that he thought he would get 5-6 eggs. He wasn’t recommending…
Initialisms used when reading about trying to get knocked up: AF Aunt Flo (menstrual period) BBT Basal Body Temperature BFN Big Fat Negative BFP Big Fat Positive DE Donor Eggs DH Dear Husband ER Egg Retrieval FET Frozen Embryo Transfer MFI Male Factor Infertility OPK Ovulation Prediction Kit RE Reproductive Endocrinologist TTC Trying to Conceive…
Ultrasound, Day 5 of Stims
I had my first look at how my body is responding to stims today. Or, rather, the doctor had his first look, and it isn’t great. He said my left ovary is not really responding, and it was funny, because the patient before me has the same problem, but it’s her right ovary. He said…
Baseline Ultrasound
I had my baseline ultrasound today – the ultrasound right before I start stimming (on Friday). There were 8 follicles on one side and 7 on the other. I had anticipated more, as at my last ultrasound, when they were looking for any potential fertility issues (of which there are none, other than age), I…